shekinah 10-b

Eliezer meets Yaaqov

introduction: The story we are going to tackle today is about that time when Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus met a disciple of Yeshua of Nazareth. The baraitha (i.e., a story that was known orally but wasn’t written down until much later) depicts a friendly conversation between the two, but ends up with Eliezer being denounced Read More

shekinah 10-b

RaMChaL zt”l on Suffering of a Tzaddik, Atonement, and Perfection

The following is from the text “Derech Hashem” (The Way of G-d) by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (RaMChaL). Derech Hashem is a systematic exposition of Torah fundamentals explaining basic beliefs regarding the existence of G-d and His purpose in creation. The rule that the Community of the Future World [Olam Haba] is restricted only to those who attained Read More

shekinah 10-b

Parashat Ki Tisa II – The Erev Rav

“And when the people saw that Moses delayed….” (Ex 32:1). Why are they called sometimes “the people” and sometimes “the sons of Israel”? It has been noticed that when Torah mentions only “the people”, it implies a participation of the “Erev Rav” (the “Mixed multitude”) as it’s written: “The sons of Israel traveled… and the Read More