Below is a list of terms either used in the movie, or associated with the concepts it presents.
- Baruch Hashem = “Praise G-d”
- Blasphemy = From “gadeph” (to cut) in terms of causing division to the “Name of G-d”
- Breslover = A major Jewish sect, followers of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
- Etrog = the lemon-like fruit, part of the four species
- Four Species = the three parts of the lulav along with the Etrog, utilized at Sukkot
- Hitbodedut = spontaneous prayer/meditation
- Kiddush = Prayer of sanctification said on Shabbat or holidays, over wine or grape juice
- Lulav = either all the green parts of the Four Species, or specifically the long central plant among them
- Machul = ‘absolved’ (from a debt)
- Mezuzah = a small case containing a parchment with Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21 written on it, attached to doorways of a home (not the bathroom)
- Nachman (Rabbi) = A prominent teacher in Jewish history. Much of his teachings centered around the impact of positive and negative emotions
- Nes = Miracle
- Ohr Haganuz = the hidden light (of G-d) that preceded creation. At times we can connect with this and amazing things happen
- Pushka = a collection box for charity
- Peru Urevu = Be fruitful and multiply
- Ribbono Shel Olam = Master of the Universe
- Siddur = A Jewish prayer book
- Sukkah = The temporary structures erected for the week of Sukkot
- Sukkot = Plural of Sukkah. The feast of Sukkot (“Tabernacles”)
- Teffilah= Prayer
- Tzadik = A righteous person. (Feminine: Tzedekes)
- Tzedekah = ‘charity,’ in the sense of justice
- Yeshivah = Institution of Torah education
- Yetzer Hara = Evil Inclination
- Yom Kippur = The Day of Atonement on the 10th of Tishrei. Rosh Hashana is on the 1st and Sukkot on the 15th.
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